NOV 12, 1985
Newspaper Article, “Foundary Workers Psychic Feats Stun Scientists”
19, 1991
Examiner Newspaper Article, The
New Uri Geller, Psychic Amazing Mind Power”
JAN 19, 1994
International Psychosomatics
Institure Publication, “International Journal of Psychosomatics Annual Issue Report, author, Dr. Berthold Schwartz
JAN 27, 1995
People Magazine Article, “The
Odd World Of Joey Nuzum”
APRIL 26, 1996
Journal of the Society for Psychical
Research Report, “Joe Nuzum, A Little-Known Psychic” author, Alex Imich
12, 1997
of the Society for Psychical Research” article on Telekinesis
FEB 23, 1997
Scientific demonstration on Psychokinesis
testing conducted by Dr. Beverly Rubick, Biophysicist
MARCH 5, 1997
Alternate Perceptions, Journal of Paranormal Phenomena report
by Dr. Berthold Schwarz M.D
SEP 23, 1997
Performances for MIT Board Directors Funding
12, 1997
Clear Light Productions; Mysterious
Forces Beyond-- Discovery TV Network
MARCH 18, 1998
Alternate Perceptions Published
Report; author, Dr. Berthold Schwarz M.D.
APRIL 9, 1998
NBC TV show appearance demonstration
-- The Other Side
OCT 15, 1998
Experiment Performances for MIT
Board Directors Funding
NOV 16, 1998
Perceptions, Journal of Paranormal Phenomena report by Dr. Berthold
MARCH 27, 1999
Appearance at Mensa Fund Raiser
for “Give Kids The World Foundation”
NOV 13, 1999
Scientific Testing Demonstration
sponsored by Dr. Berthhold Schwartz
FEB 8, 2000
BBC Network; Angel & A
Prayer Production TV documentary, “Strange Phenomena”
17, 2000
Public performance/appearance,
“Make a Wish Foundation” fund raiser
APRIL 23, 2000
Discovery TV Network, Clearlight
Productions TV Documentary, “Mind Over Matter”
JULY 20, 2002
Discovery TV Netowrk, GRB Productions
TV Documentary, “Human Spontaneous Combustion”
AUG 3, 2003:
Alternate Perceptions Journal of Paranormal Phenomena Report, “Presumed Laser Beam PSI Bending Telekinesis
21, 2004: